The long-term

When the victim becomes aware of the assault she suffered, it is an emotional shock.She feels hurt, totally distraught.
This shock will trigger a mixture of pain and anguish.
If the victim chooses the separation, she will not experience of anger or rebellion. Yet anger is a psychological liberation. But she will be born later.
For now, she feels cheated, abused, not respected. She loses her esteem, her dignity, she is ashamed of herself.
Later, she will have a generalized anxiety condition, psychosomatic disorders or depression.
For victims are impulsive, they will act violently, which will lead to psychiatric hospital.
The depression will discern by exhaustion, too full of stress, chronic fatigue, no interest in anything and without concentration.
There are only two solutions:
- To submit and accept
- Rebel, fight and leave.
Choose the release process is still in pain and guilt, but the only way to cope.
Together, the difficulty is to escape the blackmail and pressure is through the children had in common.
The development is the attempt to oblivion that will carry the psychological or somatic delayed.
The victim in normal life but with a generalized anxiety disorder - chronic fatigue - insomnia - headaches - pain or multiple psychosomatic disorders (hypertension, eczema, ulcers, ...) - the addictive behaviors ( bulimia, alcoholism, drug addiction).
Other victims have mental disorders or traumatic neurosis.
The need to recall traumatic events is obvious, but fear of triggering events.
Even if later, the victim has a fulfilling life, the memories bring pain suffered tremendously.
Years later, any mention of the pain experience will scare away the victim.
This trauma has developed an ability to identify better than others, elements of a perverse relationship.
For victims failing to break the grip, they completely lose their zest for life, personal initiatives will be impossible, they will remain in the complaint and become embittered, susceptible, irritable, socially withdrawn and brooding bitterly.
Personally, I think it is better to take the courage to leave, even if this idea seems unthinkable, but to stay and suffer all his life.

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